From:Mr Baker
communicate.with.mike ( at )>
Date: May 3, 2009 8:11:27 PM PDT
chopp.frank (at)
Subject: Question on Real Change News story, affordable housing
Mr. Chopp,I had read in Real Change a story about getting creative about funding affordable housing, and arts in King County. Is it true that House Bill 2252 would have funded $8 million a year in affordable housing near transit centers?Please consider this bill, or something like it in the special session. $8 million would be a big boost in a tough time.I looked up the bill and it looks like it was replaced by a Senate bill, which died due to Husky Stadium latching on to local taxes. Could that Senate bill get revived? a great day,Mike BakerSeattle
so did chopp ever respond?
I sent it 24 hours ago, no, he has not.
Not sure he would get around to it soon enough to have an impact on the Special Session, so, I thought I would post my question to Speaker Chopp. Maybe some reader could ask him, maybe another legislator.
any response yet?
No, no reply.
not good. saw in the olympian that the gov is threatening no special session at all unless it gets scheduled by the end of this week. seems like the fight is about to really be over.
there has been a two week window for agreements to be made, they either have an agreement the resolves school funding before layoff paperwork goes out, or they don't.
She is just cracking the whip.
hearing any news about 6116?
There is still an effort trying to get this into special session, but I know nothing else.
I feel like Don Quixote. That pretty much did for me for even bothering to go to Seattle in the winter months and pretty much for any time other to visit family. Good luck with Seattle Center. I'm not too sure what the Gates Foundation will think of a crumbling eye-sore across from there lovely green world headquarters. But I suppose they'll just close the blinds.
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