Saturday, August 30, 2008

Percy Allen: Howard Schultz drops Sonics suit

Steve Pyeatt, of Save Our Sonics, does not know why Howard Schultz decided to pull the plug on his court case on Friday. Percy Allen, from the Seattle Times, writes the end of the Schultz story in today's newspaper.
I can only account for my actions, or inaction. Others that keep silent become targets of speculation, even Howard Schultz, even by Steve Pyeatt.
The irony there is the tight-lipped nature of Save Or Sonics, and how
Pyeatt takes a shot at Schultz, even though he has not had a chance to talk to Schultz's lawyers. I read Pyeatt's quotes in the Seattle Times, and not at, and not at
Something like this Schultz announcement happens and there isn't a word from SOS on there sites. What should we make of that?
Through a lack of communication SOS may be reduced to two guys, and their secrets. That's not much lobbying power.

Have a great day,
Mr Baker

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Well Mr. B, you're it as far as me staying in the loop regarding Seattle Center and Key Arena. All of my respect go to Brian and Steve. Although I don't live in Seattle any longer my heart is still there even as the politicians and trendy-populace aspire to become San Fran II. I will continue to support SOS, SC and your blog as long as I can or until Seattle can shake off the apathy and malaise that crept in since this tragedy began. Thanks.

Mr Baker said...

Everybody needs a hobby, mine is trying to get the arena problem solved, and writing, I can do both here.
I really do not know what Brian and Steve are doing. It might help them if I am off that blog. Brian looks like he is posting more.
Since I do not know what they are doing, and I can't really trust the politicos, I will have to do more, and find out for myself.

Anonymous said...

Well I'll try as well. I'm in the process of either starting a blog or a website. It would be in the vein of getting some grass-roots support from hockey fans as well as us basketball fans. I know we have no say in regard to how the arena should/could be re-done but I think that Matt Griffin is receptive to the plausibility of bringing the NHL here. That being said, I don't consider myself much of a hockey fan but the more ground swell from sports fans the better in my opinion. Keep fighting the good fight. JP1979

Mr Baker said...

there should be a seperate sports authority, like Pittsberg.
I suggest that if you do blog or site then pick a topick one level up, a sports district and then fit your focus in there, NHL and NBA as your examples.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone beat me to the punch. If you know people that are interested in bringing the NHL here could you please post this link:

Mr Baker said...

if you can't beat them, join them.

Still, the individual efforts point to a need for a Stadium, Arena, and Exhibition District/Authority